






今日、ほんのちょっと、書いてみたいという好奇心が書くのは怖いという気持ちを上回った。ここらで一度思い切ってブログを書いてみることにした。先人の知恵に感謝する気持ちと、読む人を楽しませることができるようなブログを目指すということを心に留めて書いていければと思う。 ネタ切れをなるだけ回避するためnikkimemoという漠然としたタイトルとした。読んでいただける人に感謝の気持ちを忘れずに書ければ。

Blogging has been wide spread these days.

It is usual to search for information when you want to do something. Result in a blog site is sometimes the most useful one. When it happens, I appreciate author of the blog and, in addition, to “blog” as a tool which made information publishing dramatically easier. Compared with html website in the past, information provided in the Internet becomes so various.

Some of my friends, who hardly be imagined, also write blog. When I read those blogs, I can enjoy more than others because I know the backgrounds.

On the other hand, there is still a hurdle for bloging. Information relating to privacy, reputation and confidential information of others should be carefully treated. People, including myself, lack to be trained or experienced to treat information in personal publishing, which is neither chattering nor official documents. It seems that if you fail to handle this, sometimes your blog will be attacked ruined by bulletin board. This scares me.

I wonder whether I can continuously write articles. When I think of these, I feel brog may compel me to spend lots of time, and the hurdle becomes much higher.

Today, my curiosity a little bit exceeds my fear. I start this blog with affection to the wisdom of forerunners and try to make reader happy. In order to write anything, I set the title “nikkimemo”, which is coinage of nikki (dairy in Japanese) and memo. With many thanks to readers…

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