
Multi Monitor (MaxVista)


よく3台も何に使うのか聞かれるが、1台目は持ち歩きようとして、2台目はサブディスプレイとして、3台目はプリンタ・スキャナサーバとして使っている。2台目のサブディスプレイという機能は昔から使いたかったのだが、Windows 単体ではできそうでできないのであきらめていた。先日ネットサーフィンをしていたところ、MaxiVistaを発見して使用している。(日本語版と英語版があり、英語版を使用しているのだが、画面の動きが改善されたというv3 に有償updateしようか検討中である。)

MaxiVistaは、LANでつながっているノートパソコン(子機)を別のノートパソコン(親機)のモニタとして使えるようにするソフトである。その結果、親機のPCからすると、ノートでデュアルディスプレイが実現する。現在、MaxiVista英語版、親機にLets note R5(日本語XP SP2)を、子機にオークションで購入した中古Dell D810(英語XP SP2)を使用しているが、特に使えない機能はない。子機のディスプレイはWUXGA(1920*1200)なので、一挙に大きな2nd ディスプレイが手にはいることになる。若干動きがカクカクするが十分に使用に耐えるものである。







英語版 http://www.maxivista.com/
日本語版 http://www.maxivista.jp/new.html

Number of PC in my hand is increased and currently 3 PCs are in my house. Because of the space problem, all are laptops.

I often asked “why do you need 3 laptops?”. The answer is, one for mobile, one for secondary display and one for print/scanner-server. The second purpose (using other laptop’s display as secondary display) was the one which I wanted, but is not available as function of OS (XP). Recently I found MaxiVista during my netsurf. I am using MaxiVista (English version), and considering version up (not fee!) to V3, which seems to improve its capability in display speed.

MaxiVista is, as seen in its web site, software to realize multi-monitor function using other laptop within same LAN network. As a result, from Parent PC’s point of view, secondary laptop (child) is now secondary monitor. I am using MaxiVista (English), Parent PC (Panasonic Let’s note R5, Japanese Windows XP, SP2) and Child (Dell D810, English Windows XP, SP2), but found no specific disability. As Dell has broad LCD (WUXGA, 1920*1200), Panasonic will obtain wide secondary display. Movement is not so fast, but it is still able to use.

Merits of Multi-monitors or Broad display (not just Big display), are easily understandable to person who uses it but hard to explain to person who has never used before. I think 3 merits can be found.

(1) Change of windows
It is still useful to type information found in the web to Word, etc by manual. Copy function may sometimes not be available, or information found needs summarization, or edits. In those situations, typing without change of window (ie., not using alt+tab or mouse) is really cool. If you use multi monitor, this problem will reduce dramatically. In case of Broad display, if you use maximize of windows often, the merit will be decreased.

(2) Less scrolls
Using Broad display let you less scroll. You can find information in a glimpse in same windows. One of printout papers’ merit is to see all the information in once, but this function may deprive its domain. Please note that if you use narrow display for the primary and secondary display, you may not able to obtain this merit.

(3) Less Printout
Broader display (especially over 1600 points in horizontal) may allow you easily read letter size pdf without printout in a paper for read. If you use Acrobat or other pdf editing soft, you may not need to printout even for edit purpose. This is good to earth as well as to keep your surroundings clean!

Each merit allow you to be relieved from routine work of typing, clicking, or printing. As a result you will feel less stress using PC and may be able to really think in front of PC.

On the other hand, there are some demerits, such as mouse movement distance is so far and requires you to have broader space, or system becomes complex to understand. But these problems can be solve by using short cuts or daily use of the sytem.

This is really great deal to challenge.

MaxiVista http://www.maxivista.com/

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